Saturday, July 31, 2010

ulang tahun bu nurul

waaa cerita singkat aja nih. jadi kan kmrn 29 juli bu nurul ulang tahun. terus gue dan teman-teman IT17 berniat memberikan kue kepada beliau dengan patungan sekian ribu. hari kamis, pas selesai pemilihan ketua osis, duit udah kekumpul, eh pas mau dibeli.............. motornya andre ga bisa nyala dan bu nurul keburu pulang-_- alhasil kita-kita jadinya malah pada makan ke endola. fyi, endola itu ga tau bahasa mana, warung makan gitu, ada mie, pecel, ropang, dll. nama asli tempatnya sih mie abang adek. kalo ke sana wajib makan mie dengan beragam tingkat kepedasannya, mulai dari yang paling ringan: sedeng -> pedes -> gila -> garuk -> mampus. kebayang ga tuh mampus kayak apa, gue makan yang pedes aja udah gilakkkkkk engap mulut. mie endola letaknya di belakang roxy, alamatnya: Jl. Mandala Utara No. 8, Tomang, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia - 11440 <- copast dari google.
yang ngaku doyan sama pedes, mesti coba! buktiin kalo lo suka pedes haha!

oke back to the topic, akhirnya si decky yang megang duitnya beli kue deket rumahnya (mungkin). pas jumat si decky dateng ke sekolah kuenya dititip di koperasi dulu dimasukin kulkas, baru deh pas pulang kita kasih ke bu nurul. waaa aku senang loh rame sekali anak IT17. kita masuk ke ruang guru, dan langsung nyanyi 'selamat ulang tahun' wihihiw untung pas itu ga terlalu rame ruang guru. abis itu tiup lilin, terus kita didoain sama bu nurul biar sukses, AAAMIIIIIIN! dan entah kenapa saat itu gue terharu rasanya hiks~
next kita foto-foto di lobby, terus ada pa krisnha ikutan foto-foto haha top deh IT17! tapi gue baru punya fotonya sedikit, yang lain ga tau pada kemana belom diuploadin.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Germany for Worldcup 2010♡ and Spain for Glopreus Finale♡♡♡

woohoo! germany got 3rd place in worldcup 2010 after they beat urugay with 3-2 as the final score. the goals was made by Muller, Jansen, and Khedira. they did greatly in every match. proud to support you, germany! :D
but i felt a little sad 'cause some of my favorite players didn't play at this match, yeah they were Phillip Lahm, Miroslav Klose, Lukas Podolski, and their greatest goal-keeper, Neuer. i missed to see their awesome performances. never mind, we'll see they play again at worldcup 2014. but what about klose? does he already retire yet? hope i can see he plays for the last time, i mean in his last career as football player.
may i put some photos of them here? why not? hahaha here they are..............

Phillip Lahm :3

Lukas Podolski

Miroslav Klose

Thomas Mueller :*

Bastian Schweinsteiger

i always wait for your good performances in every match, germany! you're my and the other's football hero :)
let's see the final match of worldcup tomorrow, Netherland vs Spain. will it be an awesome match or a boring match? let's see on monday, july 12th 2010 at 01.30! can't wait! :D but i'm not sure that i can watch it or not, 'cause the day is the first day of school. i must wake up early, go to school, then have a flag ceremony, meet the teachers, laugh with friends, and another usual activities.

btw, my school, smk telkom, got Spain theme for Glopreus Finale. please support us by sending-short-message, these are the format:
to vote Imran Maulana as the favorite danton, type:
DF 20
and vote SMK Telkom as the favorite school, just type:
GF 20
send to 7722, just Rp.385/message for indosat users only. on July 19th - October 20th 2010.
let's vote as much as possible! haha :p thankyou for your supports by voting :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

just reply your posting

hello you, yes you, oh no no no, not you, but you! haha :p
i wanna reply your post several days ago, i know you don't know that i have read your post about me. do you know what i did while reading your post? my eyes filled with tears, i just couldn't think how bad i was, how selfish i was, and how heartless i was. now i just want to give comments about your post.

first, i really really sorry for everything i did to you that made you sad maybe? or made you disappointed, upset, confused, or became freak, eh? little joke :p whatever, i know what i did to you is a big wrong. i stayed away from you, i ignored every attention from you, and so on. i realize i was wrong, 'cause i didn't know how to appreciate your attention for me, rite?
i just thought that you were freak! oops, sorry. but i tell the truth. we were just getting know each other by facebook and twitter, then you got my mobile number and texted me oftentimes. you know? it made me feel annoyed.
and you're certainly know, we don't ever meet face to face, even once, righttt? that's one thing that make me think again, how could you feel something different to me? how could you fall in love to me? when i asked it to you, you just answered that you didn't know why. so silly-_-

but now, after you told the truth to me, i didn't feel annoyed anymore, really. i was glad that you confessed everything :D

sorry and thankyou.


i take a lesson from this one:
"appreciate all attention from whoever that comes to you, maybe it only comes once and never comes back to you. when it goes away from you, you'll feel the emptyness, so empty."
but of course, you should still choose the-very-right-person that you wanna be your mate :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

another awesome day with 2009 2010!

hey palsss it's been so long time i don't write any post, nothing to write, um... i mean it's a little hard for me to write my story.

i wanna write a short story about my-paskib-telkom, about what we did yesterday (wednesday, july 7th 2010), we called it 'TC Senior'. kind of pelantikan or whatever it is. the point is we really made a great day for us! so let me start the story, but i'll just write the story shortly..............


first, we gathered at Ar-royan mosque, near our school. i said to them to came on 7 o'clock and please don't be late, but the fact was some of them came on 07.30, ah malu-maluin banget ga sih orang indonesia. apalagi paskib, harusnya kan disiplin, malah ngaretnya naujubillah-_-).
okay back to the story. after everyone came, i let them to eat their chocolate bread, dan malu-maluin lagi, some of them brought emmm i didn't know what's that but it's not a-choco-bread, kind of a-bread-with-much-fruit-inside maybe? yeah whatever. after that my friend Decky 'played' with their face, lol, he drew everything on their face, like sun, love, equal sign, and many more. and i asked them to wear something on their heads and waists that we called 'rumbai-rumbai' that made from tali rafia. they looked so funny! :)) i'll upload some picture of them later 'cause i don't have any photos of that day right now.

next on 08.30, me and everyone went to taman menteng by transjakarta bus till kuningan madya shelter, and continued by kopaja 20. then i and the others senior went to 4 posts that i chose first. the juniors went to each post one by one. ah fyi, i had made some groups for my junior, they were:
red team, named BIOLOGI -> imran, tara, dewi, rianto.
yellow team, named SENAM -> uti, ryan, bacin.
green team, named MELODY -> echa, tio, ima.
blue team, named PUJANGGA -> azmi, iqbal, maya.

there were 4 post, that consisted of: 'general knowledge' post, 'paskibra' post, 'english' post, and 'group name' post. gue jaga di pos 'nama kelompok', where were the juniors and i really did some funny, silly, and weird things! hahaha. each seniors gave the junior one or two word(s) in every post that if they arrange every words, they can made a sentence: PASKIBRA ITU SATU DAN MENJUNJUNG SOLIDARITAS. entah kenapa gue suka banget kalimat itu, mungkin karna jiwa gue udah sangat paskibra (?)

after that we let the juniors ate their lunch (rice, soup, tahu tempe, fried egg) at the sidewalk in front of taman menteng, but suddenly the rains dropped and we ran to the parking lot, of course after that we got wet-_-
before they ate, i didn't forget to ask them collect their silverqueen :9 i ate some pieces of the chocolate hehe nyammm. then we went to a little mosque (i mean mushola) to pray zuhur. tetep, abis sholat mereka dicorat coret lagi mukanya.
the next job, we asked the juniors to collect money (bukan ngolekin orang, maksudnya nyari duit) 10.000/person. we recommended them to sing on the way (baca: ngamen), and they did it! mereka pada ngamen dan ga lama uangnya langsung kekumpul. *claps*

next we went to ancol beach. there, i asked the juniors to go to the bridge then shout "I LOVE PASKIBRA TELKOM' while the senior stayed beyond the bridge. the juniors went to the bridge and after the command from us, they shouted it loudly! hahaha though i laughed of them, i really really really proud! they are my awesome and extraordinary juniors! :D
the last activity, we shared some of 'uneg-uneg' there. i love that moment 'cause i can knew everything that were on their minds :')
we prayed maghrib there, and after that we planned to go somewhere, perhaps jogja, anyer, puncak or wherever. i hope our plan can come true, soon.
then we went home by transjakarta bus again, and i know that's not me felt tired, but all of us might be so tired. but i knew the day, july 8th 2010, would be an unforgettable moment! i'm sure! :)


i can't write more details 'cause it will be very long and long. and now what i feel is, i love them more, my paskibra-telkom, my 2009 and 2010! really, i feel closer to you guys 2009 2010!
bangga bisa jadi ketua angkatan 2009, bangga bisa punya temen-temen kayak kalian 2009 2010, dan maaf kalo gue suka cacat, lemot, ngeselin, seenaknya, dll yg bikin kalian gondok. terlebih-lebih kalo gue lagi cengeng, air mata kemana-mana, maaf banget cengeng emang ga bisa ditahan. berapa kali coba gue nangis depan kalian? banyak hahaha :'D malu sih tapi ya gimana, nangis itu bentuk perasaan gue yang ga bisa digambarkan, baik seneng, sedih, marah. pokoknya kalian semua top!
dan buat pengganti gue dan penerus 2009, i hope you guys can do more well than us. keep the work team and the solidarity! *kisshug*